MIT Press eBooks Library (IEEE)

License Terms of Use

For Library Users

Can I make an electronic copy for use in an e-reserve system? Ask

There are exceptions or the license terms are unclear about whether material from this resource may be used in e-reserves, which are electronic copies of articles stored on a secure network for use by students in connection with a specific class.

Can I post a copy in a course management system? Ask

There are exceptions or the license terms are unclear about whether material from this resource may be used in course management systems like Blackboard.

Can I put it in a course pack? No

You may not include material from this resource in course packs, which are compilations of articles for use by students in a class.

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The licensee may not incorporate parts of the licensed materials into print course packs, which are compilations of materials such as articles and book chaptersby an academic institution for use by its students in a class for the purposes of instruction.

Can I link to it? Yes

You can create a persistent electronic link to an individual article or ebook.

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Posting or scanning articles or book chapters on personal and course websites or in a course management system such as Blackboard is generally not allowed. Please create a persistent or durable link to the material instead.

Can I make print or electronic copies? Yes

You may make print and electronic copies for personal use.

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You may make print and electronic copies for personal use.

Use in ereserves is limited to 25 ebooks per semester per course, in PDF format only. Use in course management systems is restricted to a "reasonable amount of pages." Distribution via e-mail is not permitted.

This CLEAR page only applies to licences that were signed prior to 2023. Please contact your library if you have any questions.

Interlibrary Loan

Is ILL allowed? Ask

There are licence restrictions or the terms are unclear about whether or not interlibrary loan is permitted. Please contact Durham library for clarification.

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Interlibrary loan (ILL) is a library service whereby users from one library may borrow material from another library for the purposes of research or private study, and not for commercial use. Geographic restrictions may be specified in the licence. For further inquiries, please contact Durham library.

ILL Electronic No

Interlibrary loan by electronic transmission is not permitted.

ILL Ariel No

Interlibrary loan via Ariel interlibrary loan software is not permitted.


Walk-In Yes

Individual members of the public who are physically present at the college may access and use the licensed materials. Use of the material is restricted to non-commercial use. Note that Walk-In use is intended for individuals and not as a substitution for a licence by another institution or organization.

Alumni Access No

Alumni of Durham are not considered authorized users of this resource and may not access or use the licensed materials. Please consult the licence agreement for details about the authorized users of this resource.

Regarding ILL: "Licensee and its Authorized Users may [...] print and deliver one (1) chapter per eBook title to fulfill requests from non-commercial libraries located within the same country as Licensee as part of the practice commonly known as 'interlibrary loan' provided that such practice complies with Section 108 of the U.S. Copyright Act or comparable sections of Canadian Copyright Law and the guidelines developed by the National Commission on New Technological Uses of Copyrighted Works (CONTU Guidelines)." Also, "Distribution of electronic copies of the Licensed Products via e-mail is not permitted."

Note that if educational materials (handouts, presentations, course work, etc.) which use these licensed materials are entered into a library or institutional deposit/repository, that repository may only be accessible by Authorized Users.

This CLEAR record only applies to licences that were initially ratified prior to 2023.

License Information

Vendor IEEE
Consortium OCLS